ISSN-P:1582-7151 | ISSN-E:2971-8759 | Jurnal anual | Annual journal

For authors

The process of submitting a paper for publication

The deadline for submitting the paper is March 31st for the journal being prepared for the current year. All manuscripts will be received by the Editorial board of the journal who will analyze the manuscript’s conformity to the submission guidelines.
The author (s) must specify whether the paper has been published, submitted or accepted in another journal. The selected manuscripts will be subject to the double blind-peer review process and the reviewers’ comments will be communicated to the authors within 60 days.

Manuscript body

Author’s first and last name and contact details
Institutional affiliation
Keywords (up to five)
Attachments (images – jpeg / tiff format, tables, figures, illustrations, etc.)

  1. General caracteristics
    Any study or paper, written in Romanian or in a language of international circulation (English, French, German, Italian, etc.), may not exceed 30 pages, including the abstract, list of abbreviations, bibliography, plans, figures, tables and illustration.
    Obligation to respect the content of the manuscript
    The manuscript will be sent in electronic format to the following address:
  2. Submission guidelines:
    Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word (. doc/. docx) format.
    Page format: standard A4 page, margins: 2 cm, single line spacing.
    Title should be typed TNR Font, 14pt, bold, capitalized, centered. The subtitle will be written in TNR Font, 12pt, bold, justify, and marked with a blank line in between the paragraphs.
    Authors: The full name of author (s) will be mentioned two lines below the title, centered, in TNR Font, 11pt, bold, italic, align right. After each name insert a footnote (preceded by the symbol *) containing the author’s professional title, didactic position, institutional affiliation, contact information, and email address.
    Abstract: two lines below the author’s names, in TNR Font, 11pt (bold only the word Abstract), should include 100-300 characters and must not contain abbreviations or quotations. It will be written in English and must be a summary of the paper.
    Keywords: a maximum of 5 keywords which are written in English.

The text must be written in TNR Font, 12pt, justified, 1 line below the keywords.
Italics will be used for terms or abbreviations such as “et al.”, “ibidem”.
Quotations will be highlighted according to the specific rules of each language (“” – for English, «» – for French, etc.)
Click the “Insert Footnote” button for using footnotes.

You can cite sources in footnotes. 
a) For a work with a single author, the citation must contain the author’s name, the year of publication and the page number. Ex: Rădoescu 2016, p. 16.
b) For a work with two authors, list each of the authors’ name, the year of publication and the page number. Ex: Rădoescu, Hortopan 2021, p. 130.
c) For a work with more than three authors, list the first author’s name followed by “and others” or “et al.” Ex: Cârciumaru et al. 2015, p. 8.
d) When an author has several works published in the same year, the citation will consider the use of lower case after the year of publication. Ex: Luca 2004a; Luke 2004b.
e) For the citation of a chapter, study, article published in a collection of studies or in an edited volume, list the author’s name / the authors’ names, the year of publication, the page number.
Ex: Luke, 2018, p. 224.
See the examples in the Bibliography.
If the author wants to underline certain information, he will use square brackets, specifying [author’s note] or [our note].
When listing internet sources, enter URL and the access date.

The word BIBLIOGRAPHY will be in TNR Font, 12 pt, bold, capitals, centred.
The authors cited in the text will be included in the bibliography.
The authors will be arranged alphabetically by the name of the first author and then by the name of the second author. If one of the authors is cited with several works, they are arranged in chronological order.
For works with more than two authors, they are arranged by the name of the first author and then in alphabetical order.

Single author paper
Rădoescu 2016, Rădoescu C.-L., With Regard to the Geometrical Motifs with Antropomorphic Semantics identified in the Neo-Eneoliothic Visual Creation on the Territory of Romania. I. The Point and the Line, în Annales d’Université Valahia Targoviste, Section d’Archeologie et d’Histoire, Tome XVIII, Numéro 1, p. 7-25.

Multiple authors paper
Cârciumaru et al. 2015, Cârciumaru M., Niţu E.-C., Nicolae A., Lupu F. I., Dincă R., Contributions to understanding the Neanderthals symbolism. Examples from the Middle Paleolithic in Romania, în Annales d’Université Valahia Targoviste, Section d’Archeologie et d’Histoire, Tome XVII, Nr. 2, p. 7-31.

Books (title written in italics, bold)
Rădoescu, Hortopan 2021, Rădoescu C.-L., Hortopan D., Arheologie și istorie în județul Gorj. Descoperiri, atestări documentare și repere toponimice, Editura Istros a Muzeului Brăilei „Carol I”, Brăila, 350 p., 56 fig, 18hărți, 2 tabele, ISBN 978-606-654-440-5

Chapters in books
Carciumaru 1978, Cârciumaru M., Studiul paleoclimatic şi geocronologic asupra unor statiuni paleolitice din Banat, în F. Mogosanu, Paleoliticul din Banat, Editura Academiei Romane, Bucuresti, 152 p., 53 fig., p. 83-101.

Chapter or article published in an edited volume (the title of the volume will be written in italics, bold)
Luca 2018, Luca S. A., Vessels with two or more supply/service mouths in Romania. Meanings and contexts, în C.-M. Lazarovici, Al. Berzovan (ed.), Quaestiones Praehistoricae Studia in honorem Professoris Vasile Chirica, Editura Academiei Române și Editura Istros a Muzeului Brăilei „Carol I”, București, Brăila, p. 223-230, ISBN 978-933-27-3611-9; ISBN 978-666-654-314-9.

Figures and illustrations
Figures or illustrations must be submitted as separate files, in JPG or TIF format, at an appropriate resolution (minimum 300 dpi). Each figure or illustration must be accompanied by the corresponding number in the text and by the name of the first author of the article. The size of the figures must be between 8 and 12.
The titles of the figures will be placed on a separate page after the bibliography. The titles of the figures must be labelled with numbers which clearly identify and describe them. The description must be clear and contain an explanation of all the symbols.
The maps must indicate the geographical North, have at least two coordinates on each axis and have a graphical scale.
Responsibility for copyright in the case of downloading any illustrations, maps, etc. belongs exclusively to the authors.

Tables must be included on separate pages.
The size of the tables must fit the page;
The citation of the tables in the text will be done according to the example Tab.1.